The Project Committee acknowledges the contributions and generous support provided by the Australian Bar Association, the NSW Bar Association, the NSW Public Defenders, the Law Society of NSW, the UNSW Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, and Judicial Commission of NSW.
Independent Advisory Panel
The Project Committee thanks the members of its independent advisory panel for their guidance and expertise in compiling this resource:
- Professor Larissa Behrendt, Director of Research and Academic Programs, Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research, UTS
- Vanessa Edwige, Registered Psychologist and Director, Australian Indigenous Psychologist Association
- Her Honour Judge Sarah Hopkins, District Court of New South Wales
- George Newhouse, Adjunct Professor of Law, Macquarie University & Principal Solicitor, the National Justice Project (NJP)
- Associate Professor Lynette Riley, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney
- Jane Sanders AM, Principal Solicitor, The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
Expert Reviewers
The Project Committee thanks all reviewers for the generous donation of their time, expertise and advice:
- The Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council (AH&MRC)
- Dr Megan Bell, Clinical Psychologist and Research Fellow, University of Western Australia
- Associate Professor Lucinda Burns, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW
- Dr Ee Pin Chang, Suicide Prevention Australia Post-doctoral Fellow, Research Fellow at Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention, UWA
- Professor Kyllie Cripps, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University
- Professor Pat Dudgeon AM FAHMS, Chief Investigator, Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing Research Project, UWA
- The National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (NOFASD)
- Professor Linda Graham, Director, Centre for Inclusive Education, Queensland University of Technology
- Professor Susan Green, Charles Sturt University
- Professor Ross Homel, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University
- Emeritus Professor Boyd Hunter, Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University
- Dr Wendy Bunston, Adjunct Lecturer, Social Work and Social Policy, La Tribe University
- Dr Jody Kamminga, Member of the Australian Psychological Society, Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists, Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, WA
- Dr Carmel Lum, Member of the Australian Psychological Society, Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists and Clinical Psychology, Central Australia Aboriginal Congress, NT
- Associate Professor Catia Malvoso, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
- Dr Robin Murray, Member of the Australian Psychological Society, Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
- The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- Dr Daniel Quin, Psychologist and Teacher, Member of the Australian Psychological Society
- Dr Molly Schafer, Member of the Australian Psychological Society, Fellow of the Clinical College of Neuropsychologists
- Associate Professor Melanie Schwartz, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW
- Dr Dimitra Tzioumi, Department Head, Child Protection Services, Sydney Children’s Hospital
- Dr Marshall Watson, Child and Adolescent and Adult Forensic Psychiatrist; Commissioner, National Mental Health Commission; Member, Clinical Council, Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia
- Dr Jacinta Walsh (Jaru Kitja Yawuru), Lecturer & Indigenous Research Fellow, School of Philosophical, Historical, and Indigenous Studies
Contributors, Supervisors and Consultants
- Dr Amee Baird
- Alexandra Baker
- Ryan Barratt
- Yvette Bauder
- Isobel Blomfield
- Donna Briggs-Ford
- Melissa Burgess
- Olivia Beckett Capelin
- Jenae Carpenter
- Isabella Cavanagh
- Brad Cullen
- Alicia D’Arcy
- Georgie Driden
- Renee Emzin
- Jade Ernst
- Isha Fay
- Petra Franks
- Tim Gollan
- Felicity Graham
- Professor Bob Gregory
- Drew Hawkes
- Michael Hughes
- Suzy Hunter
- Michaela Johnston
- Lauren Lai
- Desiree Leha
- Tom Lee
- Elliot MacQueen
- Christine Maibom
- Trischa Mann
- Francis Maxwell
- Professor Luke McNamara
- Hamish McPherson
- Dr Tanya Mitchell
- Pierrette Mizzi
- Clement Ng
- Cordella O’Loughlin
- Jason O’Neil
- Kirby Pearson
- Dr Bronwen Phillips
- Jeremy Rea
- Michael Siciliano
- Oliver Silverton
- Darcy St Louis
- Tegan Thomas
- Charles Triggs
- Amy Tyley
- Lilla Wendoloski
- Jenavive Westbury
- Bryce Wilson
- David Woodroffe
- Thomas Woods
- Rachel Yang